Printing News
Coated paper and digital paper shows strong growth trend

InfoTrends according to the North America set degrees paper investigation report "shows, coated paper and digital paper will show the most strong growth momentum. To 2014, coated paper in the compound annual growth rate will reach 24.3% to 106 tons; Digital paper in the compound annual growth rate will reach 9.8%, to 592 tons.
InfoTrends analyst NormanMcLeod explained: "consider to promote the development of printing market hardware and application trends, the statistical results are not strange. The future will develop color printing market digital printing media, and at the same time on the color printing and the application of color (such as pigment) will also have more demand, it will promote coated paper and digital paper production."
Along with the market on the color printing and color print the growth of demand, people on paper level also put forward higher request. Now most of the brightness of the paper in 90-93.5. However, the market for this kind of paper demand growth will slow speed, to 2014 years of annual growth rate is expected to paper compound for-1.5%. In sharp contrast, brightness in 98 and higher levels of paper in the growth rate will reach 15.8%.
In addition, digital paper will also toward the more average weight to move in the direction of. The average weight of the larger paper is the marketing materials production process essential to the raw material, it can be used for production specifications, annual reports, menu, covers, leaflets, direct mail and postcards.
McLeod says: "the paper mill should pay close attention to the hardware market change, because its might have on paper products and features a direct impact."
According to information, InfoTrends company this investigation aimed at assessing the United States set degrees of production, paper product application scope and other key indicator. The report includes the 1999-2008 set of history data and size of 2009-2014 forecast data.

(Gold Printing Group)
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