The BPIF has published its ISO 12647-2 certification scheme requirements, outlining what printers and print management companies must do in order to secure the award.
The purpose of the scheme is to ensure that 12647-2 certification tests for consistency and quality throughout, rather than the quality of a single printed item.
According to Paul Sherfield, chairman of the BPIF is Technical Standards Committee and managing director of the Missing Horse Consultancy, the certification will benefit printers and clients alike.
He said that UKAS-accredited certification to ISO 12647-2 would "give UK printers and print managers the opportunity to prove to their clients that they can match this standard on a daily basis".
UKAS is now set to start assessing certification bodies themselves in a bid to guarantee that each print audit is conducted consistently.
"Printers already printing to this standard have benefited from faster makereadies, less waste, consistent colour and happy clients. Now, they and others can be certified as an ISO 12647-2 printer," said Sherfield.(Gold Printing)