Printing News
What is YuJian before printing the PDF

What is a YuJian before printing the PDF
YuJian before printing the PDF (PreflightingPDFsForPrint), borrowed from the English Preflighting a word, it is to point to in the YuJian before the plane take off, in order to ensure the aircraft flight safety, no risk at all. Preflighting used in printing, it means in YuJian before printing. Before printing of the printing process YuJian undoubtedly plays a vital role.
Due to the continuous printing to adopt new technology, not only have a color desktop publishing or (DTP) and computer direct plate-making system (CTP), and all kinds of new process also emerge. On a large amount of new technology in front, many electronic publishing industry experts predict that eventually will only accept the printing PDF file. Therefore, in YuJian before printing work, and special emphasis on printing YuJian before the PDF. However, according to the American printing technology foundation (GATF) and "Seybold magazine, estimates that the United States is ready to print all files, only 23% to 30% of the file using Adobe PDF format. As time goes on, this number is expected to rise. PDF file format is used in our country in recent years things, and more for network transmission, mainly for the office file transmission, electronic books and so on, to use the proportion of PDF printing is relatively small.

Second, why want to use YuJian before printing the PDF
Because of the generator and receiver in PDF printing production process has nothing to do with the operating system platform, PDF file format to preserve the original file characters, font, format, the color and so on all the information, and at the same time it USES the industrial standard compression algorithm, make file capacity is small, easy to fast storage and transmission, with soft proofing function, it is easy to YuJian, file browsing and is not subject to the operating system, network environment, application version and so limited. Therefore, PDF file format will quickly used in every field. But in the printing industry, generation with PDF printing, there are still many drawbacks, and receiver receive customer PDF sometimes also can produce errors. The customer of PDF files of the most common problem is embedded, resolution font is not too low, no bleeding and users with the use of the color space wrong, and so on. In order to guarantee before printing, printing process can be carried out smoothly, PDF, as a kind of natural file format, for YuJian is very necessary.

(Gold Printing Group)
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