Printing News
UV reverse glazing process

In China, the main thing printing UV printing is absorptive materials. And in Europe and the, the printers use not only of curing process printing and traditional UV ink printing quality for the same quality, and does not meet its has only a high gloss mirror effect or transparent effect, further improve the process, in order to achieve higher printing the contrast. Therefore, developed a called "reverse glazing process" of the initial version, but at that time, because some details failed to resolve the problems, such as adhesion, so not really implemented. After a few years of perfect, the process has been more and more mature gradually. Introduce the technology of the local polishing process.
Reverse glazing (Pro-Cure) is compared with the traditional local for the polish. In the past, no matter use what glazing way (flexible printing, screen printing or gravure) local glazing, a final polishing process is bound to use local glazing printing, in order to realize local graphic high contrast effect, therefore, glazing and printing of the accuracy of the process become glazing overprint key.
And reverse glazing process broke through the above law, make alignment problems solved, the technological process of the below.
Shake must finish on conventional printing, and determine the ink has thoroughly dry or curing; Then, in order to attachment or offline way on the design draft GaoLiangGuang part way to offset printing ink on transparent reverse; Then the attachment, and with full version in printing surface coating way UV light oil and curing.
At this time, the light oil and reverse glazing ink the contact area cohesion reaction and produced form small granular ink film, reverse glazing area are forming a mirror.
Obviously, the reverse polishing process, the same set GaoLiangGuang will exist with the GaoLiangGuang effect. And, because of the GaoLiangGuang part is offset printing, accurate over-print and keep the GaoLiangGuang part of graphic precision.

(Gold Printing Group)
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