Recently, the ISM in the latest manufacturing report said: although manufacturing of economic activity in the July appeared since July 2009 since the beginning of the second contraction, but the overall situation in manufacturing is the continuous growth of the 38 months.
It is reported, the report by the institute for supply management as the President of the BradleyJ. Holcomb release, the report shows that: "the PMI index was 49.8% in July and 49.7% in June, up 0.1%, new orders index. This month, up 0.2% to 48%. The production index and employment index, growth still in July to 51.3% and 52%, respectively. Raw material price index in this month was achieved 39.5%, compared to 37% in June, up 5.2%.
The July data, all 18 manufacturing industries have seven presented to the rise of the situation, in sequence are: the plastic and rubber products; Mechanical and electrical equipment, electrical components; Primary metal; Oil and coal products; Metal products; Food, drink and tobacco products; Furniture and related products. 11 other manufacturing industry appeared contraction, in sequence are: the nonmetal mineral products; Clothing, leather and related products; Wood; Textile; Miscellaneous manufacturing; Chemical products; Transport equipment; Printing and related activities; Paper products; Machinery; Electronic products, computer and electronic products.