Developed countries serious economic recession that a lot of the asia-pacific region of the printing exports dropped trend. In the international financial crisis in the backdrop, Japan and Australia's printing are affected. Indonesia in last year's growth is very strong, but since since 2012, the country's ink sales have always stagnant.
Even in a recession, printing ink manufacturers still can in some key areas to get growth. Globally, packaging and printing is still more strong growth of a field.
Industry insiders, point out that Asian liquid market than offset printing ink printing ink market are a bit better. But in Japan, offset printing and liquid ink all revealed a market decline.
Makers of ink, India is a market opportunity. Bantian company in India's pan (Panoli) Gordon built a new factory in order to produce offset printing ink and gravure ink; And love life's company in India also plans to build a massive offset printing ink factory and a adhesive manufacturer.
In Asia, printing in the full value of the printing industry export proportion of relatively large. Therefore, the developed country's rapid economic recession that Asia many small and medium printing enterprise on the brink of bankruptcy. Even if is a large enterprise, also want to face the production line of unsaturated difficult.
Environmental protection is a hot spot in the Asia Pacific region. The asia-pacific region has been strengthening of the environmental laws and regulations of the legislation and to carry out strength, so the market on the environmental printing ink, such as no benzene/no ketone printing ink, water-based ink and gravure does not contain the offset printing ink VOC demand will also be in the next few years increased, especially China. But India's packaging printing ink and adhesive market will also get strong growth.
(Gold Printing Group)