The Chinese scientists will China's printing was introduced into living cells printing field
Originated in China's printing made great contributions in cultural transmission, it has also appeared in cell research field recently.According to the Oriental Hong Kong newspaper reported on February 13, a scientific team led by Chinese scientists in the United States, China will be one thousand years ago to the woodblock printing, printing introduction of living cells, is widely used in laboratory for years living cells compared samples printing ink jet printing, the printing way with Chinese characteristics can not only improve living cell survival, expand the cell shape of printing, will also be able to cut costs.
Woodblock printing Research scientists led zhang kai (transliteration) from Houston Methodist Institute (Houston Methodist Research Institute).He said: "the woodblock printing is a highly efficient and convenient technology, it have revolutionized the printing industry."Inkjet printing not only it is hard to single cell layer of flat, printed effect sometimes exist error.Its biggest drawback is that living cells in the survival rate of only 50% to 80% after printing.The research results have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences).
According to the report, from China's woodblock printing, nearly 20 years and more are used in high molecular printing precision requirements.Zhang kai's team found that they called "rigid" (block - cell) of woodblock printing, can be in any surface efficiently to print a variety of biological cells into a variety of shapes, it need half an hour, living cells can be flat printed, nearly 100% survival rate.In addition, woodblock printing mould cost will be $1 (about RMB 6.06), compared with inkjet printing needs tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
(Gold Printing Group)