Printing News
Studies have shown that consumers trust the print advertising
According to the editor and publisher "newspaper website, according to new research, although many important changes have taken place in recent years, media consumption, but consumers still trusted most of print media advertising. When asked how much trust on different media advertising, consumers to newspapers and magazines score of 63%, giving television scores was 41%, the Internet was 25%.
Advertising consumers also asked, when they decided to purchase a particular role -- almost seventy percent of people say that advertising in magazines and newspapers to support their buying decision is the most important. To compare direct mail advertising and social media, nearly 90% of respondents is more emphasis on direct advertising, credibility more than social media.
Research purpose is to a deeper understanding of the role of print media in consumers' daily life, the evaluation of consumer attitude toward different channels of advertising. Research by Finland VTT research institutions in April 2012 to August in 13 European countries. More than 700 consumers in the study, people who received a good education at the same time of graduation is also very high, this is a very interesting factor is the people most likely to use a lot of different media.
AnuSeisto led the VTT, the study on the research results published this view: "the study chooses to influence the media, and advertising attitude is the most important factor provides some very interesting information. Results show that the way of life and family condition is larger than that of single factor are better able to explain these choices".
The study commissioned by "printing power Europe", covers the nine types of media (magazine, newspaper, television, radio, Internet, a direct investment site, the site has no direct investment, bibliography, and social media). Researchers put forward a series of different media to survey object using condition, asked to what extent the media can describe their media usage for comment. The study appears in the four types of different consumer groups: exquisite cuisine and enjoy the carefree life, busy online gens of mixed crowd, tolerance and young digital enthusiasts. Exquisite cuisine and enjoy the carefree life gens users account for 23% of the respondents is printing, they are only in the busy work with digital media. Busy mixing 46%, easily in the middle of the digital and print media transformation, more pay attention to the print media. Tolerant group (19%) is a digital media online users, to print media have a positive attitude. Young lovers of digital is the smallest part (12%), is a purely digital users, they can't see the benefits of using print media.
Although advertising user is moving advertising budget to digital channels, but consumers continue to see print media as the most trusted, advertising in magazines and newspapers as to prop up their buying decision is most best source of information.
VTT is northern Europe's largest technology application study group. VTT combine different technologies, there are a lot of innovation, has developed a large number of world-class technology and application of the research services, thereby improving the competitiveness of its customers and competencies.
Printing motivation is a group of European operations in 13 countries, aims to promote the print media. Power to represent the whole newspaper printing, printing and issuing the value chain, the key information is sustainability and the effectiveness of the print media. (Gold Printing Group)
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