Printing News
NAPL printing forecast in 2013 the United States was still limited
Recently America NationalAssociationforPrintingLeadership (NAPL) analysts wrote, in 2012 is for the first time in the past five years the printing falling to recover, but due to the economic and competitive factors, in 2013 the United States printing industry's overall growth is still very limited.
This report from NAPL research center, in 2012 the United States printing industry grew only 0.6%, while growth of 1.4% in the fourth quarter, but still fell by 0.4% in the first quarter of 2012. Although there will be three quarterly growth in 2012, but the situation is still in the printing industry in 2008 during the financial crisis.
Reported that nearly 50% of the printing enterprise printing situation for 2013 conservative and optimistic attitude, but there are still 18% of enterprises believe industry will decline to 36% of printing enterprise think the industry will remain stable, it does not increase don't reduce.
The main factors influencing the industry growth from a declining economy, the challenge of competing on price, expected 2013 printing total sales value of $80 billion - $790.2, the data is from $2011 in 77.6 billion, recovered, and data before the great recession in 2008 was $98.2 billion, down 19%. With the U.S. at the height of the printing industry $2000 in 101 billion, was down 21%. (Gold Printing Group)
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