Printing News
Moving printing printing advantage

Moving printing is a very effective way, it can produce to all kinds of objects from the pen and adornment, including golf advertising products to the panel and propane tank and other industrial products can be its printing object. At present, the market has a lot of accessories and customization options to help you put this was is very effective mode of production to become more competitive. In these products, some can enhance the parts processing capability, some can eliminate moving printing workflow of potential problems. Next, let us know what these valuable technology.
DuoZhong color
Most of the printing equipment manufacturers using standard four color or six color printing configuration. Many color open system can be in a separate MoChi placed in DuoGe or a lead board (division). Now the people are more willing to use independent adjustable lead board, and not all color is arranged in a lead on board. The benefits of independent template is that it can be more easily resolve image-image or image-local-specific point between the potential problems.
Many color closed-circuit system can also be have a or DuoGe lead board. Only a few manufacturers can provide small oil cup (60 mm), this is often called the small oil separation oil cup cup can let you print two or three kinds of color. But its deficiency is that only color printing side by side, unless your printer can print one-time two or three times, in that case, you can keep the need to print the colored pattern of the parts in a printed parts above. And a little is the separation of oil production, so it is difficult to place the price is high.
Transductive workbench
On the market at present a total of four kinds of transductive workbench, they are: the pneumatic type, electricity-powered, stepping motor drive type and manual type. Pneumatic type of the price is cheaper, and other automatic type than the more popular. Pneumatic type table can provide to the people DuoZhong options, such as: the choice of DuoGe cylinder or a cylinder; Or is to choose the common cylinder, or electromagnetic braking system equipped with advanced cylinder. With pneumatic type in the important parts of the processing of the time want to 10 million carefully to avoid that pressure changes.
Electricity-powered workbench have programmable like take drive motor. The workbench pneumatic table than are more expensive and difficult to find. This also, people can still through the programming, the step motor drive workbench in two times the number of movements between printing setting. Stepping motor drive type table and the pneumatic type of workbench service life is long QiDongShi tables must be some. Manual type table is used mostly to the color alignment precision requirement not high small batch live a manufacturing process.
Place the turntable parts can also be divided into electricity-powered, stepping motor drive type and pneumatic type of several types. Accuracy and the price is people in the choice when rotary tables must consider two important factors. Electricity-powered and stepping motor drive type rotary tables and pneumatic type rotary tables are more expensive, but they can more accurately transfer weight. People can become defined with the diameter of the turntable, which makes it easy to install on two to 12, and even more fixed device (figure 1).
Some manufacturers produced by four independent adjustable machine installation of modular machine of rotation system. According to the need of the production, this one, two, and three or four installation Taiwan can also use or independent use, can even rotating 180 ° Angle so as to complete independent operation. This way, people can also live a DuoGe production.
This by stepping motor drive rotary tables open only to a half, it would first parts in the left the first kind of device printing color, and then put them on the right side of the device to the printer in the second kind of color. Then, it will be open to all, under a table or parts to prepare for.
Track the conveyor belt
The track conveyor belt is a lot of color printing equipments of the standard. In most cases, it is driven by air, and have a lot of positioning or fixed device. If necessary, people can use these positioning device CAM table to table the same parts spin, the different surface printing. But these systems rarely used in moving printing outside of the industry.
Belt up and down
Double (up and down) the conveyor belt is usually connected by precise of the mechanical system of the driver. In most cases, the parts can be easily fixed up and down from the device to the conveyor belt at the end of the containers, or be transferred to another, so that a conveyor belt in the subsequent processing ourselves with.
Some of the conveyor belt to build a commercial double not in secondary processing. It can be to 30 ° Angle will be printed parts, and won't let transmitted they happen, this is very good for the assembly and so on post-press processing process smoothly.
This has 16 table and fixing 30 degrees of stepping motor drive type the conveyor belt can help people in the frisbee on the six color printing.

(Gold PrintingGroup)
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