Inkjet printing technology as variable data printing market main force
Variable data printing market in 2012, produced 656.756 billion copies (A4), by 2017 is expected to increase to 853.097 billion printed sheet. Released at the same time, the report also using different printing method for variable data printing production related data: among them, using traditional printing technology of the production is expected in the next five years at a 0.5% compound annual growth rate of negative decline; Adopt electrostatic printing production is expected to 1.5% compound annual rate of growth, using ink jet printing technology production fastest growth over the next five years, compound annual growth rate is expected to be 14.2%. Global market for variable data printing production ratio in total of the whole printing market will grow from 8.2% in 2012 to 14.2% in 2017.
In each region of the report at the same time for the global variable data printing market has also carried on the detailed investigation and study. According to the survey found that in North America and Western Europe is accounted for the largest share of the global variable data printing market, its in the field of direct mail printing, and other files to print using digital printing technology level is much higher than the rest of the world level, especially in the area of inkjet printing technology. In addition, in emerging markets such as eastern Europe, the Middle East and Latin America, variable data digital printing production also. Although the application of digital printing technology in these areas is not very widely, but the growth rate is very alarming, the annual growth rate at 20%.
In recent years, high speed, high quality inkjet printing technology become the most powerful technology affect the variable data printing market. As mentioned in the report, if use other technologies of variable data printing production will not increase, but the ink jet printing technology market growth is inevitable, and will be a double-digit growth, the future of variable data printing output is the result of ink-jet printing technology most in the future.
Specific areas, in 2012, the largest contribution to the global market for variable data printing production of the first is the direct mail market, a total of about 264 billion printing (A4), in the next five years is expected to grow by 19%. But in the growth of the market won't be plain sailing, like other difficulty printing market field, digital through the variable data printing market, especially the notes, checks, financial transactions, and direct mail marketing. (Gold Printing Group)