Printing News
Global warming is biggest threat and biggest opportunity for print

(Gold Printing China)Astra Printing Group has warned that the biggest threat to the printing industry is global warming, but has said that one of the greatest opportunities lies with how the sector tackles it.

Partner Bryn Oakley said printers have to act to turn around the general misunderstanding that print has a negative effect on the environment.

The warning follows a year where print demand has fallen steadily, which he says has not been helped by the belief held by many that paper is an environmentally damaging product.  

Oakley said this is despite paper being a useful product that can easily be recycled to make more paper, and also one which helps composting.

He said: "We have to turn this attitude around and get the message across that using more paper means that trees will continue to be planted to replenish the previous crop.

"We can not sit back and let misconception rule as then our industry will suffer more."

If the print industry could steer itself onto a more informed path, Oakley said this will help secure its future.

"The most under-recognised aspect in printing that should become more important in 2010 is that paper and printing companies can use nature to help save the industry," he added.

"It is our choice. Photosynthesis is important and while it can not alone prevent global warming, it can certainly help slow it down."
(Printing China)

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