Printing News
Encyclopedia britannica will cease publication printed version

The morning news, encyclopedia britannica said on Wednesday, will stop the print issue, but will continue to release digital edition.

Encyclopedia britannica was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1768, more than two hundred years always in the issue of print, is still in the printing of the oldest English encyclopedia. The prestigious 32 giant encyclopedia book every two years revised once, print costs $1400, digital edition subscription fee to $70 a year.

Encyclopedia britannica company recently introduced a set of application, the price of $4.99 to $1.99 a month in between. The company said it will continue to sell encyclopedia britannica print, until the inventory of existing 4000 sold out. This is also encyclopedia britannica to Internet reference material service market expansion and further explore education products latest measure.

The earliest encyclopedia britannica in the 1970 s to test the initiation of the digital market ideas, and in 1981 for LexisNexis database vendors issued a user computer version, and finally in 1994 launched a digital version. Encyclopedia britannica company President QiaoGe · this exam (Jorge Cauz) in an interview: "print business has become more and more difficult to maintain, is no longer play our database quality and we edit the best physical form quality advantage."

However, even if the publishing industry launched more digital products, but the whole industry is still in the financial woes. Take an examination of this is to admit that, for many publishers speaking, realize the profit "still have a long way to go." He said: "encyclopedia britannica is the earliest personally feel science and technology company, one of the full impact is about 20 years ago it, we have been used to this kind of technology trend, though sometimes in trouble."

Encyclopedia britannica still will continue to operation, but take an examination of this estimate "there will be a lot of commercial publishers bankruptcy, content producers will have to consider how to fill this void." As for print books whether future to survive, take an examination of this is to say: "print from the market may not completely disappear, but I think it will be less and less importance. Many publications will never print issue, will only in digital form."

This exam at last, it points out that, because of the academic breath is strong, always welcome by the user, encyclopedia britannica are not affected by the free, content of the opening of the encyclopedia collaboration site wikipedia's impact.

(Gold Printing Group)
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