Printing News
Economic recession to the impact of the printing industry

On August 9, 2007, when the French Paris bank announced plans to end its two off-balance-sheet investment tools, in addition to senior finance almost no one noticed outside this move, however, the event has become the European financial storm swept through to the overture. In the next three years, the state economy suffered a crushing defeat, printing industry also suffered heavy losses.
Economic recession scientific definition is GDP (gross domestic product) for two consecutive quarter atrophy. But the reality of definition is only one, and that is the fear. Fear can hold the global economy paralyzed. In the past, European Banks rely on money market financing, and at this time due to people's bank loan ability lose confidence, money market terminated so operation. At the same time, because of lack of money, the bank going bankrupt, and European taxpayers have been forced to participate in the global economy to save in the system of the. An unprecedented economic depression followed-tens of thousands of printers also can't survived and went bankrupt.
Paradises situation
In the recession, the impact of the printing industry is in all industries may be the most serious. On one hand, printing industry survival depends on consumer confidence, GDP growth and big companies advertising investment; On the other hand, many printing equipment supplier need to rely on a bank loan to develop new technology and new equipment. Therefore, the financial crisis for printing industry, it is no less than in surges.

Situation continued to worsen
In the global economic downturn, before printing industry has entered the difficult times, but the economic crisis is definitely icing on the cake. Many printers for network the arrival of the age of the slow response, and always kept a printing industry heyday business model: high daily expenses, insufficient printing equipment and inefficient internal operation.
Before the recession of another very obvious change is the whole printing industry mergers agitation, as profits continue to shrink, traditional printing business can only through the merger to achieve economies of scale, however many printers in the process of the merger of the show.

Improve work efficiency
In addition to printers, according to the new market conditions improve management modes, cut spending cuts to maintain daily, the development of the company, also must improve the business process to improve efficiency to make it through the tough times.
Printing equipment suppliers because investment and reduce by defeat and can only pay close attention to market trends. Heidelberg group in 2011 ~ 2012 CEOBernhardSchreier announced in the first quarter when the company performance said: "we are paying close attention to the current global economic developments, but no one can predict what will happen next. However, given China's strong economic growth and market demand, we think that the business of Heidelberg regional impact is only temporary." Heidelberg set CFO DirkKaliebe, said: "we will continue to implement the strategy for success, especially for the costs and asset management."
In the economic development under the background of instability, when all print providers to try to reduce cost in, even if some printers can attract to bank capital, also not to spend money to buy new equipment.

Innovators in survival of the road
In the economic situation is good, the operational efficiency of the enterprise is declined, the market will be not stable cash flow distortion, and the new on the market can also cause the excess capacity, and these will lead to economy gradually entered a recession. Recession is a period of economic cycle is difficult times, but it is also part of the indispensable. With innovation in the economic recession survive printers, will be more powerful than ever before.
Some successful printer has successfully grasp the opportunity to turn to the cross media communications. NickDixon said: "in the economic depression, the customer are advertising budget cuts, in order to reduce costs, people are more and more incline to email and text message as a major form of communications. This is a fundamental changes, and greatly influenced communication way."

Consolidation continues
In an economic downturn, many printers trying to reduce costs to make up for the loss of business. Some printers began to malignant competition, have your price, even operating in the red, in order to guarantee the depths of a recession in the cash flow. However, the lack of accurate market positioning, unable to provide value-added services and can only on price competitive enterprise, once face price below cost when the state will become life difficult.
Some experts think the, the lowest possible economic recession is not coming, the debt crisis of the impact is not depart, and consumer confidence will also decline further, like the great depression experience of that, but we have over a storm, and then just continue to face challenges.
But we are still not out of the woods, and it probably will continue to deteriorate. For printing industry as a whole, this means that the industry of merger internal integration will continue, and we still will focus on development to provide value-added services on, and do not printing as the company's only business.
There is no doubt that, from the economic crisis survive printers will become more powerful and sophisticated, also can reduce many competitors. Until the economic recovery, the printing chamber of commerce because their smart and reap great rewards.

(Gold Printing Group)
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