Printing News
2014 Latin American label BBS agenda
Will be held in Colombia Latin America Label BBS (Label Summit Latin America) content outline has gradually emerged, suppliers and printing companies in the region gathered to discuss from printing to the global development trend from a variety of topics.
Label BBS in 2014, Latin America for the first time in Colombia, previously, in Latin America label BBS has been held in Mexico and Brazil.This year's Latin America label BBS is scheduled for May 14-15, 2014 in medellin, Colombia.
Latin America label BBS on the first day, eli denison materials group President of tang Nolan will introduce the industry development trend of the regional and global, eli denison tag is Latin America BBS gold sponsor;On the same day, executive director of the ANDIGRAF Maria Alexandra Gruesso Sanchez, would like to share with the participants in the Andean region label market;After Acrus - CCL Label, general manager of Aldo Gonzalez will introduce how to realize the business transformation through mergers and acquisitions.
Focus on the first day afternoon speech is the best practice of sustainable development, including to be invited, Fernando Gabel company general manager Baumgarten Grafica, Martin Leftech company business manager Esteban Fraire Cambiasso, Daetwyler company responsible for rotary gravure and flexo printing consumables sales manager Hector Buenavista, and Rotoflex is responsible for sales of Latin America and the Caribbean Francisco halted.
In addition, in a short version of the printed label, traditional and digital printing business of cognition at the venue, will invite used company responsible for Mexico, China and the United States and the Caribbean, business sales manager John Vigna keynote speech.
BBS on the first day and two group discussions, region labels and labeling magazine editor James Quirk will host group discussions.The first discussion is about digital printing, will discuss the selection of printing machine, the integration and as a result, to speak with HP Indigo labels and packaging of Latin America market manager Alexander Mercon, EFI Jetrion senior sales manager responsible for inkjet solutions Oscar Granados.Another Andean region printing enterprise group, from Colombia, Peru Kuresa Servibarras company, a spokesman for the company, Bolivia and Ecuador who Print company Sismode company.
The next day seminar will be around the brand development, product design and positioning, application of new technology and innovation for the future.Invited speakers including the solution of the company's business development manager of Latin America, Tony Estrada, creative director of Design Packaging company Evelio Mattos, NeuroMind CEO Henry Castillo, PhD, and cutting of Karlville company department manager Uli Jorgens.
Group discussion of the latest technology and is developing software applications, guest speakers, including GEW channel manager Carlos Pescott Jimenez, BST Pro Mark is in charge of Latin American sales and marketing vice President Carlos Clement, JM Heaford sales manager responsible for the region's Nick Vindel, X - Rite of Latin American sales manager, Luca Tubbini.
In 2015 and 2017, Latin American label BBS will return to Mexico, Latin America and 2016 tags BBS held in Brazil.
(Gold Printing Group)
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