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Printed mags trump digital editions in YouGov survey

2012/7/2 9:27:25

By comparison, just 2% of the survey group claimed to read more on a tablet than in print, rising to 4% for smartphones, while 11% said they read more on websites.
YouGov SixthSense research director James McCoy said: "Preference on this scale suggests that magazines still have a healthy future in print, although prospects vary by sector according to the attitudes of different reader groups, and this will inevitably change over time."

The report includes a review of current trends and developments in the consumer magazine market and examines consumer attitudes and behaviour in relation to magazines.

According to the survey, just under one in ten adults (9%) are reading more online than in print, while 11% are reading both online and in print, with men three times more likely to read more online than women (15% versus 5%).

While print remains the favoured medium, almost half (47%) of the sample group admitted that they were buying printed magazines less often, with 27% of men and 34% of women citing cost as the reason for their reduced purchasing.

Another important factor in reduced magazine consumption was time, with 18% of those surveyed claiming they have less time to read magazines now.

McCoy added: "It is possible that digital formats have made some inroads on physical print sales but these findings point the finger at cost and shortage of time as being far more influential factors."

Data from the survey, which was drawn from a sample of 2,102 UK adults, has been compiled in the YouGov SixthSense Magazine Consumption report, which costs £1,750 and is available from the YouGov website.

YouGov SixthSense Magazine Consumption Stats
Prefer print to digital 40%
Enjoy the look and feel of a print magazine 35%
Reading more on websites instead of print 11%
Reading more on a smartphone instead of print 4%
Reading more on a tablet instead of print 2%

(Gold Printing Group)
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