With the CTP in the foreign application has become common practice, 10 years of brewing experience and training, CTP technology application in China has become more mature. Either equipment suppliers or end customers, will be CTP in China book printing market as the last piece of valuable "cake", but also as a CTP printing quality and enhance competitive space expand the secret weapon. But faced with strong opponents like clouds in the printing market, would like to place is not easy. How to open up new areas to ease the pressure of the printing market has been intense competition in various equipment suppliers on the agenda. In the process of exploring new areas, equipment suppliers to set his sights on more quiet 10-year UV-CTP, UV-CTP into account the technological progress and increasing the advantages and benefits, Fuge printing industry development requirements of China's printing the inevitable product. However, it was said UV-CTP is a CTP from traditional print to the development of a transitional product. Actually not the case, UV-CTP in the book printing icompany plays the same role with the thermal CTP. If the thermal plate and UV-CTP lasers were all down, then the same competitive conditions, the user can select the scope has expanded. About CTP technology, we think of first is the thermal and violet laser CTP. This is due to the CTP technology from the date of birth, there is technical differences. Today. CTP technology is no uniform standard, thermal, violet prevails. However, whether thermal or violet, as the device itself maturity of the technology and the high price of plate and other reasons, CTP popularity in China has not yet reached the degree. So how far the road CTP civilians do? UV-CTP appearance of this development laid the cornerstone of the road civilians, silence for 10 years to shine the UV-CTP (CTcP) CTP arena as a dark horse to break loose, began to re-divide the printing market , CTP plate technology into the thermal, violet and UV-CTP of the "Three Kingdoms" era. Thermal CTP has been based on high technology, high quality lead plate CTP; Violet CTP exposure to high-speed as an alternative; UV-CTP places use the traditional PS plate, integrated, low cost, and with the book printing company printed the original before the sudden emergence of convergence devices. The end of 2008, printed in China under the pressure of economic crisis, have entered the "winter period." UV-CTP is to give the appearance of doubt in the "winter period" of Chinese printing has injected fresh blood. In the traditional PS plate on the computer to plate, UV printing down so the traditional technology, supplies and other related costs can be saved. UV-CTP printing market's rise is inevitable trend of development. People from the initial focus of the thermal and violet Who mainstream issue, and today's CTP (including thermal and violet CTP) and UV-CTP Who Controls. UV-CTP printing can be on the market in the three pillars of the slice, must have its own uniqueness. The following analysis will be one by one: UV-CTP technology UV-CTP, also known as CTcP, is a Computer To Conventional Plate abbreviation refers to the use of UV light on the PS version of the traditional computer to plate equipment. UV-CTP in order to be able to use the advantages of regular PS plate into the printing industry. Global production of UV-CTP only three equipment suppliers. At drupa 2004 on, BasyPrint, Esko-Graphics show the technology of molding products. The end of 2008, the third in the All India Engineering International Exhibition in Hangzhou kore launched China's first UV-CTP. The emergence of UV-CTP CTP not only solved the popularity of the basic process of the plate there is the problem of higher prices, but also for the development of digital printing plate-making industry has opened up another piece of blue ocean. At present, UV-CTP achieved the technical indicators are based on thermal and violet laser CTP standards, even more than some of the CTP technology indicators. Hangzhou kore to the UV-CTP, for example, the maximum plate precision over 3000dpi. Plate accuracy at 2400dpi, the highest published rate per hour 25 edition, published more than some amount of 25 per hour below the violet laser and thermal CTP. UV-CTP can also give full play to the potential performance of the traditional PS plate. In the traditional plate, due to film printing down the inevitable loss of network expansion and network, so the PS version of the exposure range of only 2% -97%, printing only the controllable range of 5% -85%. Digital direct imaging technology to eliminate dot gain and dot loss, PS version can be excellent reproduction of 1% -99% of the network, printing control also been extended to 1% -99%, improved print quality and efficiency. In addition, UV-CTP can achieve 90% of customers printing quality requirements, only about 5% of users will choose the high quality of printing CTP. UV-CTP cost advantage As the advantages of UV-CTP printing market at the present stage of development in line with trend - low-cost, high efficiency, many end users start watching from the end of 2008 to enter the active phase of the actual purchase now. This shows that UV-CTP is gradually being accepted by end users. According to the "Printing Manager" and "CTP in China," special issue of the survey, as of September 2008, PS version of the UV-CTP platesetter sales in China last year, compared with an increase of approximately 11 units, accounting for 2.56%. Although the number can not increase the thermal and violet laser CTP compared, but the equipment manufacturer limited circumstances, be regarded as rapid development. When end-users in the purchase of CTP, mainly from productivity, printing quality, production costs and other factors considered. At present, China's printing industry has entered a stable period of development. Production costs is to determine whether or not the key to survival of the printing business, which supplies cost considerations is most important. UV-CTP version of the application of traditional PS plate significantly reduces production cost advantages to meet this requirement. Although the advanced CTP plate prices have been dropped, but the price of regular PS version is still a gap, and the price gap at about 15-25 yuan. According to the survey, in 2007, domestic prices in CTP plate 50-53 yuan / square meter, import CTP plate at 53-65 yuan / square meter. PS version of the price of 29-37 yuan / square meter. Normal PS plate is also another reason for the low price from China is the world's largest manufacturer of PS plate, PS plate China's production technology is quite advanced, thermal version of the production technology has not yet reached a mature stage, while the purple laser version material prices higher in the thermal plate, and its complex production process. We assume that a medium-sized printing plate monthly consumption of 3000-5000 square meters, the general PS plate and CTP plate of the difference of 20 yuan / square meter, the monthly UV-CTP and CTP plate technology cost difference 3000 or 5000 meters / month × 20 yuan / m = 6 or 10 million / month, the printing plate costs only a year can save 72-1200000 yuan. From the device itself, the price is, UV-CTP is not dominant, are basically about the two million, in addition to the first domestic manufacturer of UV-CTP production kore price less than one million, the other two companies import prices high. But with the price of blue-violet laser cut, UV-CTP itself will highlight the price advantage. Conclusion In summary, although the UV-CTP obvious advantages, but can not ignore the thermal plate prices fell after the market for the printing of thermal CTP benefits, the CTP and UV-CTP in the game, the two are no clear winner. Pre-press market in the future development of thermal CTP and the UV-CTP will go hand in hand, UV-CTP can not replace the thermal CTP, thermal CTP can not replace UV-CTP. Plate has been considered the constraints CTP technology application in China's printing industry is a bottleneck, but now will gradually break through the bottleneck. According to the HC of the "China Industry News Daquan" Statistics: "At present, several major Chinese supplier of each plate CTP plate production capacity 100 million square meters in 2008, CTP plate in the supply to achieve a localization. Production and a sharp rise in the number of suppliers and brought the price down is the plate. "Thus the advantages of thermal CTP will be more obvious, its advantages of high image quality unmatched by other products. When the laser and UV-CTP thermal plate while the price down to a certain level, the two products have different strengths and properties for printing companies to choose according to their needs which meet the requirements of the product. At that time, CTP and UV-CTP what wins the game, in fact, for the users is not important, important, which is more suitable for enterprises, which can provide real benefits. |