Printing appeared in the process of all kinds of fault, and generally by a single factor, rarely caused by printing ink, paper, printing machine and environment conditions not harmonious, printing caused by mutual influence. Here are common printing failure, from the point of view of the ink solution method, all the people for reference. 1, the dirty The dirty refers to the prints and many ink stain area appears, is common in lithography and be representative of the fault. This phenomenon is much by printing ink, paper, plate, printing potions, etc gold printing factors and produce, from ink perspective, usually in ink is thin, soft, yield value is too high, viscous not appear, to improve the performance of the ink, join the amount of resin viscosity larger printing ink oil or light patina, to help overcome the dirty; Ink deployment, desiccant, low viscosity oil, the printing ink to adhesive addition amount, will ink adjustable too thin, viscosity and small, is the important reason for the cause of this disadvantages, printing ink allocate only proper can be solved, for a fast solid light ink. Second, the printing plate sand the eyes are not even, have abrasive materials, the feeling of residue fat insufficient, layout, or partial oxidation lack of development, also be to cause the dirty of the important factors that should also check and resolve, and printing machine rolls with bad, the water pollution are dirty, ink roll rubber roller aging, rubber cloth is flabby, also can cause the dirty, shall check and adjustment. 2, the thick The thick refers to the ink pigment from separated out, piling up in edition and rubber cloth, the result is print dot paste death. Usually, the ink is bad, the water resistance, easy emulsion frequently appeared this phenomenon. Can be added to the right amount of high viscosity resin printing ink, light oil slurry or printed cover light oil, increase the viscosity, contagion ink and water resistance, and increase the printing potions PH value, reduce water, reduce the amount of ink to, we can improve or overcome the fault. 3, ceng dirty Squat down dirty, also say "dirty", "with touch back", the printing speed too fast, printing ink on paper the fixation of paper enough time or stress, ink layer has not yet dry ink, happen to divert phenomenon known as the ceng dirty. This phenomenon in the four color, double color printing, there is the most fundamental, when the measures is the light and fast solid fast printing ink and fixation spraying powder, adjust the control spraying powder amount in the ink color, concentration allow, reduce the quantity, reduce printing ink for accumulation of pressure, reduce water, to help overcome the ceng dirty phenomenon. 4, paste version Paste version is to point to in the printing process, printing ink to the pale color, the emergence of large area in the blank layout, wipe again after in other place was soon in the phenomenon. Paste the phenomenon of the version, due to the printing ink pigment water resistance is poor, printing ink formula undeserved, to adjust the adhesive, low viscosity oil consumption, printing ink too much ink to allocate, thin and soft cause paste version. To solve this problem, one is to choose water resistance, good printing ink, 2 it is to adjust the amount of various printing auxiliaries, ensure that the terms of the water resistance, water ink balance. 5, pull paper hair Senior coating printing paper, glass paperboard, inferior smooth paper, general won't appear this problem. If the paper is rough surface, strength is bad, the paper coating adhesion is not strong, printing ink viscous relative too big, can cause a pull hair phenomenon, cause printing paper quality decreased. In that case, in order to reduce the ink adhesive viscosity or convert viscous as little ink to make when printed ink film easy to split, reduce the printing speed etc is a simple economic method, DiaoHuan good paper of course better.(Gold Printing Group) |