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Who said the dead-information age of five big misunderstanding

2011/6/14 9:30:51

The so-called "information age" the misunderstanding of the nature of packaging, leading to a series of logistics people were of the erroneous understanding. This is not a personal fault, but everybody's problem, because in trying to assimilate into network space in the process, we often take things wrong, and wrong idea and spread so fast digital publishing, had not even been questioned.

In general, they form a series of recognized point of view. One of the most prominent five is:

1. The book is dead

The error is that: when compared to the previous year, now the paper books are more production. In 2011, the world will have 1 million kinds of new books on the market. In Britain, last October 1 "super Thursday" that packaging materials, only a day have 800 new department published. And in the United States, the latest data in 2009, although they are not new book, new book will be separated with old books, but the amount of 288355 to see a thriving book market, this data in 2010, 2011 and may become larger. More to the point China printing enterprise is strong, BaoKe (Bowker) offer this set of data is not included "non-traditional" field of books published in production-published by the self-help author and "small profit base" the demand publishing enterprise to publish the work is as much as 764448 department. In China, developing countries like Brazil, industry is booming. No matter how to measure, the number of books is in the increase rather than reduce, let alone what books will be dead.

2. We have entered the information age

The phrase is often people out in all seriousness, like information in other time does not have the same. But the commercial printing, all time is the information era, but they have their own (existence) by the way, was restricted media conditions it. No one would deny that transmission mode has been developing rapidly, and perhaps as Gutenberg period, but the change that is seen as the unprecedented, completely is misleading.

3. All information is now available online.

For any one (on the Internet) for people who file inquires gravure, this is the one that highlights the absurdity of is obvious. The archives material of available for inspection was only a small part of that digital is even less. Most of the judicial decisions and legal laws and regulations, and whether a state or federal level, has not seen in the Internet. Those by public institutions/government agency issued a large number of regulations, report, to a great extent, is it the regulations of citizens inaccessible. Google estimates printing techniques, the world about 129864880 different kinds of books, it says it has 1500 of them will WanJinHang digital-accounts for about 12% of all books. However, in the works to continue with the ministry of one million a year speed increase, Google will be how to narrow the gap between the rest? The printing of information and how to format to realize all the Internet 1940 years ago, half of film has been lost. Today the audio-visual/audio-visual materials and there were several to survive in a network, even if it's just a flash in the pan? Although (we can) through the blog, E-mail, handheld devices, etc 1 million means to protect hundreds of thousands of the information transmission, but most of the daily published information or disappeared. Compared with the printed version, digital text information more easily faded away. The Internet archive's founder, brewster card in 1997, calculated, a web site for the average life expectancy only 44 days. Don't say most of the information did not appear on the Internet, even in the Internet appearing on information, mostly may also disappeared.

4. Libraries are obsolete

All over the country of the librarian reflect said: they receive never so much. At harvard, our reading room northerners group always full dangdang. New York public library of 85 is a branch of overpopulation. The library will provide books, as image data and other materials, but they are also acquire new functions: for small businesses to provide information service, give kids homework and extracurricular activities help, for job seekers provide employment information. (information on job in paper newspaper disappear, makes the library's online service is especially important for the unemployed.) Librarians can through the many new ways to help their customers books, especially led them in printing the vast network space looking for relevant, reliable digital materials. The library has never been deposit book warehouse. In the future, the library in addition to continue to provide books lending services beyond, still will be adjacent community and the university campus digital information communication between the nerve centre.

5. The future is digital

And indeed this is true, but with a misleading. In the next 10 years, 20 or 50 years, information environment will experience unprecedented digital, but the digital communication of the popular doesn't mean printing media is not important. Through the books of recent law of historical development, we found that the new transmission mode will not replace the old, at least in the short term won't. After the Gutenberg, published manuscript actually expanded paper receiver, and in subsequent three centuries continues to flourish. Radio not destroy the newspaper; No TV broadcast to death, and the Internet has also not let TV extinguished. At every stage, information environment will become more and more complex than previously. This is the same today, we are the leading to the digital ecological experienced as evolution. Packaging and printing

The reason that I talked about these wrong idea, because I think they hindered (we) the understanding of the changes to information environment. They make everything changes seem too dramatically. They give the things (development) depict not too conforms to the historical rules and too contrast-only the past and future, or all the other typesetting, either black or white. There is a more subtle idea can be refuted the common people view-which is to think traditional books and ebook in technology range is the opposite of reactive. Traditional books and should be regarded as the same ebook front, rather than enemy. To illustrate this point, I'm going to just book sales, reading and writing simple say a few words.

Just last year, ebook (used in handheld electronic text reading terminal sales doubled to books, accounting for 10% of the sales market. This year the proportion is expected to reach 15% or even 20%. But there are data showed that electronic supervision code, paper books in the sales of synchronous growth. For the ebook in general frenzy may stimulate the reading, make the whole book market seems to be expanded. The impact of the new publishing equipment, just as the ATM machine, strengthen that this trend. The customer to walk into a bookstore, on the computer to choose the digital text AiKeFa, this text will be downloaded to equipment, less than four minutes, the book's paperback edition will be printed to the customer in front. Such on-demand publishing shows us, through the introduction of electronic technology kodak, outdated paper books is how to get the new.

Many of us worry, that deep, deep at the MaSha, or in the reading will fade out between paper of our lives. We condemn the blog, fragmentation of information, replying on Twitter (content). Take the search for, we may admit field has its advantages, but search we don't believe they will bring that only through to the whole of the book of continuous learning will form of understanding. However, further reading really have potential weak? Keyin report, said it has always been popular or? Kevin sharp, lisa JiaDing and Anthony's research, graf proof 16 century and 17 th century humanists often continuously, looking for some can read in court used for rhetorical controversy essay, or some can extract to reading notes on the expression, or from some exhibition in the YuWenZhang word. Printing eligibility

Richard HeJia, and Michael's in the graph, the civilian culture stressed intermittent, XiuXianXing reading brought about by the positive effect. It is understood they, the ordinary reader usually with your own ways to enjoy reading (including best-seller and romantic love story), they also will use his thinking to understand the meaning of it. According to the caption, these readers and not negative attachment processing, they more like "intruder" (poacher), all the books, they will hand to explore the meaning of it.

The Internet appears when, in those who only see traditional publishing decline of people's eyes, writing and reading and as bad. As some have exclamation: the past keyin report, a book is for general reader and write, but now, books by the general reader is to write. The Internet really stimulate the self-help publishing, but this why want to blame? Many have the important thoughts, views of the writer had failed to through the traditional way, any books published a think that their work of no value to the people will ignore it.

Online to publish at his own expense might induce information overload lithography, but professional publishers will as always work through their work-pick, editing, and elaborate design, the most outstanding works to market. They need to adapt to the Internet in technology (requirements), but they have done so in, and they can use new technology, and explore new opportunities.

Take my case coated and I recently published a book with electronic supplementary material paper books: the poetry and security: 18 th century Paris information network "(Harvard University press). The book describes an illiteracy in the society, how it affected street songs of the idea of people. Every day, people will be in Paris on the basis of the old music improvisation make up some riff, these songs, so that the ten going in 1749 hatched a political crisis. But these wonderful music is how to change their citizens) consciousness? In determining the over 10 song after the implications of sun edition, I asked an artist's battalion jelena Della walter, will these songs are recorded down, as this book of audio and video accessories. So, in the study of the text reader song at the same time, still can online listen to those of music. An old-fashioned books in the integration of the digital elements digital printing in China, after can be in the form of sound to explore the history books with new dimension.

We can list other example to show that the new technology and no damage to the spread of old pattern, but played a strengthening effect. I don't want to cut the authors, publishers, and the difficulties faced by readers to minimize, but I believe that some based on historical reflection, help us to drive those obstacles we make full use of the "information age" of wrong ideas-if we have to so called it.
(Printing in China)

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