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Softcover Book Printing

If hardback is not required, you can lessen the costs of your printing project by choosing paperback. These books are always beautifully-presented and exactly how you imagined or even better than you imagined. We also offer a choice of: binding: perfect bound smyth sewn or any other kind of binding you prefer.
The paperback book sizes range 1/2 x 7 inches to 9 x 12 inches. The common sizes are generally less expensive to produce because more pages will fit on the parent press sheet.
If you don’t not sure what these look like in reality, feel free to contact us for samples. We are always happy to help, whatever your printing needs.
Softcover Book Binding Notes

paperback book Printingpaperback book Printing paperback book Printingpaperback book Printingpaperback book Printingpaperback book Printing paperback book Printingpaperback book Printingpaperback book Printing


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